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2018 CYHA Annual Meeting & Elections

By Terri Mills, 03/13/18, 4:15PM EDT


2018 Annual Meeting & Elections

March 20, 2018

Carolina Ice Palace Party Room

Please come join us on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. for our annual meeting and election.  We want our members to be an active part in this Association, and the best place to start is to come to the Annual meeting and hear what we have been doing this season and help us elect officers for the upcoming term. 


Below is a list of candidates for the open positions for the 2018 election.  You will notice that 3 of the 4 positions are running unopposed and that will cause a vacancy at the Vice President position.  This will be filled by vote of the Board at our first Board meeting in April.  If you have an interest in filling that unexpired term for the next year, please let any Board member know as soon as possible.  Candidates this year are:


President:  Terri Mills

Secretary:  Teena Wyatt

Travel Commissioner:  Brian Sawyer (vacating the VP position)

Registrar:  Karen Bidema

                   Angela Brady


Please reference the Bios for each candidate by clicking on the candidates name for more information about each one. They can also be found on our website, under the Executive tab and in our Facebook Group, Charleston Youth Hockey Association.


We will be serving food and drinks at the meeting.  Please RSVP to let us know you are coming with the e-vite we will send out in the next day or two so we can plan accordingly.